PDFCreator 2.3 released
Categories:Note di rilascioWe are proud to publish the new feature release of PDFCreator. Again, we have put much effort into improving the application. Read below what is new!
New product range
We have added exclusive features for PDFCreator Plus and PDFCreator Business users, but we have also experienced that the licensing could be a problem on Terminal Servers, as the licensing was performed on a per-user basis.
Starting with PDFCreator 2.3, the licensing on Terminal Servers has been optimized and you are only required to purchase one license per Terminal Server that is valid for an unlimited number of users.
New License Tab
If you have purchased PDFCreator Plus or one of the business editions, you can see license details on the new license tab in the application settings. There you can also change the license key if required.
You can also open the license server website from the tab, where you can manage your machines, i.e. when you have moved to a new computer, and renew your license or purchase additional users for your business license.
Improved Drag and Drop
The drag and drop functionality has been enhanced. It has already been possible to drag any files on a PDFCreator window to print and convert them. Now you can also drag the files on the PDFCreator desktop shortcut to convert files. If you want to add PDF files to your current conversion file list, you can simply drag them on a window as well, it is no longer needed to print them to a PDFCreator printer.
New HotFolder
PDFCreator Plus, PDFCreator Business and PDFCreator Terminal Server also include the latest version of HotFolder. It allows the creation of special folders on any computer, files added to these folders are automatically converted to PDF or image files using PDFCreator.
The new version comes with a wizard that makes it much easier to configure a folder and will also configure PDFCreator if desired. Formerly, you can to do a part of the configuration in HotFolder and then move to PDFCreator to create the printer and define the auto save profile that will be used. This is now done inside the configuration wizard. HotFolder now also supports to exclude certain file types from being converted or to restrict conversion to certain files types only.
Enhanced title replacements
We want to give you more control on how the title replacement is performed by PDFCreator. Therefore, you can now select how the replacement should be done. You can choose to replace all occurances of a given string (the old behaviour), only remove a given string from the start or the end of the title.
For example the print job names of office products look like “Microsoft Word - Original Document Title.doc”. You can now remove “Microsoft Word -“ at the beginning and “.doc” at the end of your title. If you would have converted a document "my.document.doc" in the past, the title would be modified to "myument", as any occurance of ".doc" was removed.
If this still is not powerful enough, you can also apply a regular expression. With regular expressions, you can do very powerful replacements, once you got used to the syntax.
One user was facing a problem where he would have very long file names when printing images from zip files. The zip application extracted the files to a temporary folder, which led to very long file names as they contained the temporary path, the name of the zip file and the name of the image that was converted.
You can find the solution to this problem in the user guide, together with an in-depth explanation of how the regular expressions work.
Service to collect error reports
To be able to contiously enhance PDFCreator, we have set up a service to collect error reports. Whenever a error should occur, you have the possibility to report the issue online. As we respect your privacy, you can review the information that is transferred before it is sent and it will only be sent if you give your consent to do so.
Other Improvements
- We added the total number of pages to the merge window to give you a better overview when merging print jobs.
- If you are converting a file and cannot overwrite an existing file (most likely because it is opened by another application), PDFCreator requests a new filename instead of determining one with a number appended, which was our former solution.
- Most printing applications do not provide the original filename (the original file path respectively). In this case the <InputfileName> Token remained empty. Now we provide the original document title instead.
- We employed a new designer who beside other things created a fresh new setup image :)
You can find the full release notes as well as information on past releases in the PDFCreator user guide.