PDFCreator 3.2.0 out now
Categories:Notes de versionWith PDFCreator 3.2.0 we are the releasing another feature update for our last years redesigned PDFCreator.
Making Good Things Better
The users gave us overwhelming feedback on the (optional) notifications we added to the auto-save mode for PDFCreator Plus, PDFCreator Business and PDFCreator Terminal Server. Clicking on a success notification now opens the file location of the created document in an explorer window, ready for your further usage.
In the last release we also introduced a history of your created jobs. From now on the creation date is already displayed in the main overview is a simple change but an absolute improvement.
Another thing are tokens. Using variable content for settings, has always been an essential feature for sophisticated automated workflows. With the cover, attachment and background we finally provide the tokens for all our settings.
Enter headline here
To be honest, we had a lot of struggle to detect the systems default viewers for the associated file format. Therefore, it was not always possible to open a converted document (with the expected application). To solve this conclusively and for all Windows versions, you can now set an application in the PDFCreator application settings, that will be used as default viewer - individually per output format and with optional parameters.
Proxy for License Service
PDFCreator Terminal Server requires to run a licensing service, which now supports a proxy server. It can be easily defined as setup parameter or configured in the registry.
More Improvements of PDFCreator 3.2:
- Drag & drop folders to PDFCreator convert all files
- Detect too long paths, invalid characters and invalid absolute paths in profile settings
Bugs fixed:
- Prevent crash during uninstallation if spool folder is not empty
- Prevent crash of PrinterHelper.exe on update
- The auto-save notifications always took the settings from the default profile