PDFCreator 1.9.5 released
Categories:Notes de versionWe are getting closer and closer to PDFCreator 2.0 and are proud to release PDFCreator 1.9.5 today! After the positive tests and feedbacks for the previous version (Thanks a lot!), this is our first release of the rewritten PDFCreator, that is out of beta status.
To reduce the time till 2.0, we would like to present you the following improvements:
- More detailed manual on how to use the COM interface
- ActiveX interface for outlook
- Automated fixing for broken permissions in the spool folder
- New command line parameter /ManagePrintJobs to collect multiple print jobs even when using Auto-Save
- Let Auto-Save either overwrite existing files or ensure unique filenames
- Tokens in script action
- Set a title template (with tokens)
- Includes Ghostscript 9.14
PDFCreator 1.9.5 is now available in 10 languages. If you language is missing, you can help translating PDFCreator here: http://translate.pdfforge.org
PDFCreator Plus:
There is now an offline activation feature that allows to install PDFCreator Plus, even if there is no internet connection or connecting to the license server fails
See our user manual under “What’s new?” for the full release information.