

PDF Architect 9.1.71 released

We are excited to announce the latest update for your favorite PDF editing tool: PDF Architect 9.1.71. This update includes a series of improvements and bug fixes aimed at enhancin…

Images2PDF available for download

Today we are happy to introduce two new things on The first thing is our new tool Images2PDF. It is available with PDFCreator as well, but now can also be ...

PDFCreator 1.3.0 released

We are proud to release PDFCreator 1.3.0 to the public today. In this release, much has changed. We have replaced the RedMon DLL with own code, which no longer requires ...

PDFCreator 1.3.1 released

Just five days after PDFCreator 1.3.0 we are now releasing PDFCreator 1.3.1 to fix two severe bugs and some minor things. As many of you will have noticed, PDFArchitect ...

PDFCreator 1.3.2 released

We have just published PDFCreator 1.3.2 to fix some problems that still have been present. The full list of changes can be found in the manual: http://www.pdfforge...

PDFCreator 1.4.0 released

We are happy to release PDFCreator 1.4.0 today. After a big bit of work, we have solved a lot of problems in the 1.3.x branch. There were some performance and ordering ...

PDFCreator 1.4.1 released

Two weeks after PDFCreator 1.4.0 we have released version 1.4.1 today. We are happy to do so, because this version fixes some bugs. Especially the problem some users ...