What's new in Windows 11?
Categories:BlogWindows 11 with PDFCreator and PDF Architect
For our PDF converter PDFCreator and our PDF editor PDF Architect we always ensure that they are up to date with the latest developments. So of course, when we had the possibility to preview and test our products in Windows 11 with the Windows Insider program, we did that straight away. Therefore, we can confirm that PDFCreator as well as PDF Architect work smoothly with this new version of Windows.
How do I get Windows 11 for free?
The release date of Windows 11 is on October 5, 2021. To get a free upgrade of Windows 11 you will have to have Windows 10. If you have an older operating system, like Windows 7 or 8, Microsoft wants you to pay for the new version. You should note that not all users will get offered the upgrade at the same time on the release day. However, there is the possibility to check if Windows 11 is ready for your devices by going to Settings/Windows Updates. Microsoft offers a PC Health Check app on the Microsoft website, if you would like to check system requirements before the download and whether your PC is eligible to upgrade.
What are the Windows 11 features?
Here is a short overview of the biggest changes and new features of Windows 11:
- It will be easier to arrange different open windows and they will be saved in that arrangement.
- Open windows saved in the Snap Layouts can easily be accessed as Snap Groups in the taskbar.
- Windows 11 will have Android apps built in natively through the Microsoft Store.
- The interface will contain Widgets to show you info like weather, news, calendar etc.
- Microsoft Teams will be built into this Windows update and will be easier to access.
- It will be easier to create separate virtual desktops, which you can customize individually.