PDFCreator 1.3.0 released
Categories:Release NotesWe are proud to release PDFCreator 1.3.0 to the public today. In this release, much has changed. We have replaced the RedMon DLL with own code, which no longer requires workarounds due to the Windows Vista / Windows 7 UAC safety features. It also removes the requirement to the AFPL in our package. As this changed some fundamental parts, we were reworking big parts of PDFCreator and needed much testing.
The PDFArchitect now is available to the public and included in the PDFCreator package. It allows you to do some modifications in PDF files. You can merge them or rotate or delete pages.
We have also removed the Toolbar from the setup, as it caused some confusion among the users. We are now trying a different advertising partner. This should reduce the problems the users had with the toolbar, as they felt that it was installed without their knowledge.
There were some minor things we have done as well. We have raised the version of the GPL we use to v3 making it equal with Ghostscript. We have also raised the minimum Windows version to 2000, as our DLL requires that and the percentage of Windows 9x users is very low.
So we are looking at a big pile of work and hope that we won't have to push out the next version in a few days or hours because of some stupid bug we have overseen.