Note di rilascio

Note di rilascio

PDF Architect 9.1.71 released

We are excited to announce the latest update for your favorite PDF editing tool: PDF Architect 9.1.71. This update includes a series of improvements and bug fixes aimed at enhancin…

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PDFCreator 4.0.2 - Maintenance Release

Our PDFCreator 4.0.2 maintenance release is out and it comes with the following improvements: The setup file size was reduced Fixed a rare error that occurred ...

Features that adapt to your workflow - PDFCreator 4.0

Think of all the helpful features that PDFCreator offers and then imagine you get to decide how they best fit into your workflow. This is possible with the new version -...

PDF Architect 7.1 is out

PDF Architect 7.1 comes with a new freedom of organizing the layout of your PDFs. New options for aligning text, lines and paragraphs allow you to adjust, move and ...

Server 2.1.1 Maintenance Release

Our PDFCreator Server 2.1.1 maintenance release is out and it comes with the following improvements:The printer driver package has an updated digital signatureSending ...

PDFCreator 3.5.1 released

We recently introduced the sharing of settings via ini files for our PDFCreator business editions. In our maintenance release PDFCreator 3.5.1 this feature has been ...

What's important to you is important to us - 3.5 is out now

If someone asked us about the secret of PDFCreator's great usability, we would most definitely say that the key ingredient is our customers' feedback. It's them who ...