Note di rilascio

Note di rilascio

PDF Architect 9.1.71 released

We are excited to announce the latest update for your favorite PDF editing tool: PDF Architect 9.1.71. This update includes a series of improvements and bug fixes aimed at enhancin…

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PDFCreator 2.3 released

We are proud to publish the new feature release of PDFCreator. Again, we have put much effort into improving the application. Read below what is new!

PDFCreator 2.2.0 released

Today, we are happy to publish the largest release of PDFCreator in a while. We have closed more than 180 tickets in our issue tracker and have worked hard on improving ...

New Server Version launched

Our new product is out now. We proudly present PDFCreator Server which greatly enhances our business edition.PDFCreator Server has been developed with performance in ...

PDFCreator 2.1.2

PDFCreator 2.1.2 is another maintenance release.We included the newest Ghostscript Version 9.16 to solve several current issues. For more info see the changelog.Have fun...

PDFCreator 2.1.1 released

How some of you might have already noticed, we released an early Easter egg:PDFCreator 2.1.1 comes with bug-fixes but also some improvements, which are listed in the ...

PDFCreator 2.1.1 released

How some of you might have already noticed, we released an early Easter egg:PDFCreator 2.1.1 comes with bug-fixes but also some improvements, which are listed in the ...