Release Notes

Release Notes

PDF Architect 9.1.71 released

We are excited to announce the latest update for your favorite PDF editing tool: PDF Architect 9.1.71. This update includes a series of improvements and bug fixes aimed at enhancin…

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PDFCreator 4.1.3 - Maintenance Release

PDFCreator 4.1.3 is a maintenance release.As announced with PDFCreator 4.0.0, we no longer provide the legacy setup based on inno setup.If you have not migrated yet, ...

PDFCreator 4.1.1 - Maintenance release

Our PDFCreator 4.1.1 maintenance release is out and it comes with the following improvements.

PDFCreator 4.1 is out

For the new version of PDFCreator our mission was to make converting PDFs even smoother and more efficient for you. PDFCreator 4.1 contains new features that will help ...

PDFCreator Server 2.2.1 - Maintenance Release

We have released a maintenance release for PDFCreator Server 2.2.1 and fixed the following:

PDFCreator 4.0.4 - Maintenance Release

We've released our maintenance release PDFCreator 4.0.4! Here's what's new.

PDFCreator Server 2.2 is out

The new version of PDFCreator Server focuses on giving you a quicker overview of features and results. It comes with a new way of optimizing your workflow while making ...